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serrature per sistemi modulari satech


logo_ceTechnical specifications:
Lock with sliding multifunction mechanic clutch, command handle, multifunction anti-panic handle (mechanical release – simultaneous electrical), 4th category interlocked micro system. This lock allows both mechanical and electrical emergency release with a single operation. It does not require additional safety switches for 4th category.

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4th level AZM200

SERRATURA IV LIVELLO AZM200 ±5 mm tolerance for sensorial technique.
In compliance with EN ISO 13849-1, IEC 61508,IEC 60947-5-3
Suitable for applications up to category 4 - up to SIL 3 - PL up to “e”
Simple assembling with few screws.
Possible unlocking from inside with a simple intuitive operation.

Compatible with all SATECH assembling systems.

Schmersal AZM415

SERRATURA SCHMERSAL AZM4154th level Schmersal system completed with Satech standard.
Ergonomic external handle.
Inner handle for emergency unlocking
Electric emergency release of 4th category
by means of a simple redundant microswitch.
Prescriptions: EN ISO 13849-1 B10d : 2.000.000.

Compatible with all SATECH assembling systems.

3rd / 4th level

SERRATURA III / IV LIVELLOLocking system designed for the personnel’s safety
Antipanic unlocking for emergency opening from inside.
In-built microswitch.
Key lock in open position to prevent accidental closing.
Double control mechanical lock.

Compatible with all SATECH assembling systems.


SERRATURA CHIUSURA ANTIPANICOSystem perfectly integrated
with Satech standard panels
Compact execution.
Limited access from outside.
Fast and safe opening from inside.
Lock with universal dedicated cylinder.

Compatible with all SATECH assembling systems.

Key lock

SERRATURA A CHIAVEFunctional lock in Satech standard panels. It allows to prevent the access to unauthorized personnel by means of a key.
Compact execution. > Limited access from outside.
Lock with universal dedicated cylinder.
These closing devices are only to be used to allow access to an area where it is possible to exit through an unlocked door.

Compatible with all SATECH assembling systems.


SERRATURA A CHIAVISTELLOSystem for Satech double-leaf
doors and opposing sliding doors.
Simple mechanical execution.
Universal for each type of safety switch.
It protects the safety switch actuator.
Precise during the actuator operation.
These closing devices are only to be used
to allow access to an area where it is
possible to exit through an unlocked door.

Compatible with all SATECH assembling systems

ASG Services / Warehouse Partners (for trade enquiries) – trading divisions of Westbrook Industrial Limited

Unit 8, Easter Court, Westbrook, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 7ZB. Tel: +44 (0) 1925 710 923